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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it painful? 

The 'crystal freeze' tip on our machine keeps the surface of the skin at a constant five degrees. This protects the skin and makes the treatment a lot more comfortable than most laser systems. You will feel a slight prickling sensation but this isn't painful.

Does laser work on all skin tones? 

Yes our lasers will work safely on all skin and hair types! We will always personalise settings in your treatment plan for the best possible results.

Does laser work on all hair types? 

As with all laser technology, red, white and grey hairs will not respond to the laser treatment as they have no melanin.  Some lighter haired clients do achieve results, but it can be a longer process.

How many sessions and how often will I need to come?

Most people will need at least 6-10 sessions to permanently reduce the hair. The average amount of sessions required is 8, however this can vary dependent on your individual hormones. Once you have finished your original course you will need to come back every 1-2 years for a top-up.

Can you have laser treatment if you are pregnant or breast feeding? 

No, unfortunately we cannot perform laser treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you fall pregnant during your course we will pause the treatments. You will need to wait for three months post pregnancy.  

Do I need to come in for a consultation?

Yes, you will need to come in so we can do a full consultation where we discuss the treatment process in full, check all medical history and medication taken, go through pre/post care and do a patch test. 

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